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- Message from the Principal
- Term Dates 2025
- Important Dates Regarding Buses
- School Fees
- SSV State team selection trials
- Tennis comp
- Book Club Issue 2
- School Photos
- Merit Awards
- Parents and Friends
- Second Hand Uniform Shop
- Community Update: Our Lady of Sion Convent and former Sion Campus, Sale
- Community Notices
Our school is a place of faith and learning
“From the first moment that a student sets foot in a Catholic school, he or she ought to have the impression of entering a new environment, one illuminated by the light of faith, and having its own unique characteristics. The inspiration of Jesus must be translated from the ideal into the real. The Gospel spirit should be evident in a Christian way of thought and life which permeates all facets of the educational climate”.
Dear Parents, Guardians and Carers,
Thank you for your strong support of the Mindfull Aus parent session on Tuesday, it was great that so many of you were able to join us to hear Matt’s presentation on “A child’s life should be good, not easy.” We got to hear valuable strategies to support our children with resilience, managing difficulties, building positive relationships and how to build connections with our children.
The presentation focused on the six key emotions of:
We appreciate your support of this initiative and on your behalf thank Deb Fox for bringing this program to our school.
At St Thomas, we believe that a strong partnership between parents and teachers is key to fostering a supportive learning environment for our students. Positive interactions between parents and teachers can significantly enhance a child's educational experience and overall well-being.
Some ways we can work together to build these connections include:
- Open Communication: Regular and open communication helps build trust and understanding. Whether it's through Class Dojo, phone calls, or parent-teacher meetings, staying in touch ensures that both parties are working together to support the student's progress and needs. Please reach out to your child’s teacher if anything comes up that you feel they need to know.
- Active Participation: Parents are encouraged to participate in school activities, volunteer opportunities, and classroom events. This involvement not only shows students that their education is valued but also builds the connectedness to the school community.
- Positive Reinforcement: Celebrating successes and acknowledging efforts, both big and small, can boost a student's confidence and motivation. Teachers and parents can work together to recognise and reward achievements, this helps to foster a positive attitude towards learning.
- Constructive Feedback: Providing constructive feedback in a respectful and supportive manner helps students understand areas for improvement without feeling discouraged. By communicating together parents and teachers can share insights and strategies to help students grow and succeed.
Tips for Parents:
- Be Proactive: Don't wait for issues to arise before reaching out to your child's teacher. Regular check-ins can help address potential concerns early on.
- Stay Informed: Keep up with school newsletters, announcements, and your child's assignments. Being informed allows you to support your child's learning more effectively.
- Be Supportive at Home: By showing an interest in what is happening at school, your child will feel supported and it will increase communication about what they are learning and the school experience.
- Attend School Events: Make an effort to attend parent-teacher conferences, school plays, and other events. Your presence shows your child and their teacher that you value their education.
By working together, parents and teachers can create a nurturing and effective school experience. Let's continue to build these positive relationships and support our children in reaching their full potential.
We have noticed that there are a number of students arriving at school late and finishing early.
We understand that for some students coming to school is hard - please speak to your child’s teacher or a member of the learning adjustment team if your child is displaying school refusal or “school can’t“ so that a support plan can be discussed.
We also understand that medical appointments such as doctors or offsite therapist appointments cannot be avoided during the school day but we ask that NON URGENT appointments be scheduled outside school hours.
There are several reasons why arriving late and leaving early are not okay:
- Arriving Late - The start of the day is a chance to get settled, complete the before school classroom routine and connect with their teacher and friends before the day officially begins. The children are more settled, they know what is expected of them for the day and they haven’t missed important information about what might be happening in their day.
- Leaving early - Learning is occurring right up until the end of the day; whether it is completing set work or playing a game with their class, there is always a learning intention behind it and a reason why it is important. Reasons such as getting a haircut, avoiding traffic, wet weather are not acceptable reasons for your child to leave early.
- Frequent absences - these not only impact your child’s learning, they also influence their ability to form connections with their peers. By having continual absences they may also find it hard to return, creating anxiety as they need to reconnect with their friends and teacher, relearn the routines of the classroom and establish themselves back into the games on the yard during break times.
Term 1
Tuesday 28th January - Friday4th April
(Students start Friday 31st Jan)
Labour Day Public Holiday Monday 10th March 2025
Pupil Free day Monday 31st March 2025
Term 2
Tuesday 22nd April - Friday4th July
Term 3
Monday 21st July - Friday 19th Septmeber
Term 4
Monday 6th October - Friday 19th December
Reminder you can also check the PAM calendar for important dates.
Important Dates Regarding Buses
Monday 10th March Labour Day Holiday NO BUSES RUNNING
Friday 4th April Last day of term 1 Buses leave at 2.20pm instead of 3.20pm
Tuesday 22nd April First Day of Term 2
Friday 25th April Anzac Day Holiday NO BUSES RUNNING
Friday 6th June Student Free Day St Thomas'
Monday 9th June Kings Birthday NO BUSES RUNNING
Friday 4th July Last day of term 2. Buses leave at 2.20pm instead of 3.20pm
Monday 21st July Student Free Day NO BUSES RUNNING
Tuesday 22nd July First Day of Term 3 for buses
Friday 19th September Student Free Day St Thomas
Last day of term 3. Buses leave at 2.20pm instead of 3.20pm
Monday 6 th October First Day of Term 4
Monday 3 rd November Student Free Day NO BUSES RUNNING
Tuesday 4 th November Melbourne Cup Day NO BUSES RUNNING
Thursday 18 th December Last day for St Thomas
The School Savings Bonus is a State Government initiative designed to assist families with cost-of-living pressures. Under this funding, each eligible student is entitled to a $400 bonus for application towards activity levies and uniform purchases from approved supplier. Within our school, all CSEF applicants are eligible to receive this funding. All families who have a Centrelink Health Care Card and have not applied for CSEF in the past are encouraged to contact the school office and initiate an application this year. Please refer to the below link for more information:
School Fee Invoices will be emailed to all families within the next 2 weeks, you will be notified
once these have been sent out. Please make sure your details are up to date.
Please see below some reminders about school fees.
Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF)
The Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund helps ensure that no student will miss out on the
opportunity to join their classmates for important educational and inclusive activities.
How to apply: New applicants will be required to complete a new CSEF Application form. These
forms can be found on the PAM under “Parent Forms” CONCESSION CARD HOLDERS -
Camps, Sports and Excursions (CSEF) Application Form or there are copies available from the
office. Please make sure you provide a copy of your Concession Card with your application.
Primary School Concessional Fee for Centrelink Concession Card (CCC)
Families who hold an eligible means-tested CCC (such as an eligible health care card or
pensioner concession card) may be eligible for a school fee concession.
Please contact the school office if you require a Concessional Fee Application Form.
Fee Payment Options
Fees are charged annually during Term 1. There are a number of options available to pay your
fees. Fees can be paid in 4 termly instalments, by Direct Debit (arrangements can be made to pay
weekly, fortnightly or monthly) by BPAY or by Credit Card. We do encourage a direct debit
The option for payment in full at the commencement of the year is available. The due date
for full payment is due is Friday 28 th March 2025.
If paying termly instalments: Full total of school fees and levies divided by 4 is due to be
paid on the following dates:
1st Instalment due: Friday 28 th March 2025
2nd Instalment due: Friday 27 th June 2025
3rd Instalment due: Friday 12 th September 2025
4 th and final Instalment due: Friday 5 th December 2025
If at any time you have any concerns about school fees and levies, please contact Jo De Lazzer
( to discuss any issues.
SSV State team selection trials
SSV State team selection trials
School Sport Victoria (SSV) State Team (12yr) trial registrations are currently open for a range of sports. These trials are not a ‘come and try’ but for talented individuals who are currently playing high level representative sport. In order to attend a trial, students must be endorsed by the school and complete the online registration process. Parents are responsible for transporting their child to the event and paying the $25 registration fee to SSV. Nominations should only be submitted by students who demonstrate a high level of competency for the sport they are wanting to try-out for. State team selection incurs a cost of $1000-2000 for travel, accommodation and uniform expenses. These fees are not subsidized by the school.
For more information Please find attachment or contact Kristy Glover
Foundation A - Mrs Goudie & Mrs Manning | Bobby Bristow, Sunni Graham & Toby Brown |
Foundation B - Mrs Brayshaw | Bonnie Phillips & Alby Diamond |
Year 1 A - Mrs Morelli / Mrs Ray | Piper Cordell & Robyn Burnard |
Year 1 B - Mrs Phillips / Mrs Ray | Liam Clancy & Bronte Skeen. Freya Stubbe & Ada Brown |
Year 2 A - Mrs Davis / Mrs Jones | Kohen Smolenaars & Cleo Laverty |
Year 2 B - Mrs Bennett | Judah Hayman & Sophia Jinesh |
Year 3 A - Mrs Lee | Talyn Mowat & Evie Jellis |
Year 3 B - Mrs Ko | Caleb McLaren & Elkie Leggett |
Year 4 A - Mrs Wilson | Zaeem Junaid & Izzy Lee |
Year 4 B - Mr Brunt | |
Year 5 A - Miss Cameron | Ted Waterman & Ziggy Leggett |
Year 5 B - Ms Berry / Mrs Glover | Bodhi McKenzie & Mesa Cordwell |
Year 6 A - Mrs Irwin | Jobe Walker & Parker Jagielka |
Year 6 B - Mrs Bradley / Mrs Fox | Riley McCartney & Jimmy Brennan |
We have a number of items available in the second hand uniform shop. To purchase or check out what's available please contact Anna Baynes on 0419117649.
A Special Report: The Wellbeing Barometer - 2025
The Wellbeing Barometer survey is an invaluable tool for schools, providing critical insights into the mental health and wellbeing of young people. This annual survey identifies areas of concern, highlights resilience and adaptability in students, and emphasises the importance of preventative strategies to promote positive outcomes.
Participation in this survey is strongly encouraged, as it offers a comprehensive view of students' experiences, challenges, and achievements. By capturing a detailed understanding of young people's experiences, the survey supports a tailored approach to enhancing their mental, emotional, and social wellbeing. It helps to identify strengths and areas for improvement, as well as pinpoint opportunities for early intervention.
The survey is part of an ongoing longitudinal study, and we encourage you to take a few moments to complete the survey for each of your children. Responses remain anonymous and should be based on your observations over the last 12 months. By working together, we can reduce the long-term impact of mental illness and make a meaningful difference to the lives of our young people for a brighter future.
We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this Special Report, and as always, we welcome your feedback.
If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the school for further information or seek medical or professional help.
Here is the link to your special report:
Community Update: Our Lady of Sion Convent and former Sion Campus, Sale
Bishop Greg Bennet & Mr Paul Velten
Catholic Bishop of Sale Director of Catholic Education
Diocese of Sale Catholic Education Ltd
Community Update 3: The Future of
Our Lady of Sion Convent and
former Sion Campus, Sale.
The Our Lady of Sion Convent building in Sale is a much-loved local landmark with historical and
educational significance for Catholics, the Catholic education community, and the broader community
in Sale.
In this third update, we want to bring members of St Mary’s Parish, St Thomas’ Primary School, and
other members of the Sale community, up to date about the significant progress that has occurred
since August 2023 in the redevelopment of the former Our Lady of Sion Convent site into an exciting,
state-of-the-art education facility, serving the mission of the Diocese of Sale.
A significant challenge in the redevelopment planning process is to ensure that the comprehensive
renovation of this iconic 125-year-old building will be done in ways that will (a) meet the needs of
students and staff in a contemporary educational context, and (b) comply with the more rigorous
21st-century building codes, while still retaining the building’s original beauty, grandeur and
character. This process requires meticulous planning and sensitive consultation with numerous
The architects and consultants are progressing in the design and preparation works. The
Architectural team continues to meet with heritage advisors, specialist engineers and the St Thomas’
Primary School community.
There has also been ongoing consultation with the Sisters of Our Lady of Sion to identify how their
extensive contribution to Catholic education on this site can be acknowledged and celebrated, to
ensure their legacy endures among future generations.
We are happy to announce that, earlier this year, the Victorian Minister for Planning, through the
Department of Transport and Planning (DTP), granted a planning permit for the proposed works.
We can also confirm that we were successful in obtaining a Commonwealth Capital Grant from the
Federal Government for the construction of additional new student learning spaces on the site. These
proposed education facilities are an essential element of the overall St Thomas’ Primary School
masterplan and are separate to the redevelopment work on the former Sion Convent building.
While the planning process continues, it is anticipated that work will soon commence to bring the
property back to a clean site, as well as beginning some preservation of the former Sion Convent.
Community members may see the demolition of some non-heritage and ad-hoc structures that have
been identified as being unsuitable as contemporary learning spaces. These buildings are not
included in the proposed development masterplan. There will also be some associated groundwork
and temporary building maintenance essential to preserving the former Sion Convent building whilst
it is in caretaker mode.
While we are excited about the considerable progress that has been made in the past ten months, a
great deal of work is still to be done before a definitive announcement can be made to key
stakeholders about the approval of the project. Please keep this project, the re-development team,
and the St Thomas’ Catholic Primary School community, in your prayers.
Background and Timeline:
November 2020: The site became vacant following the formal relocation of the Catholic College
Sale Junior campus. Many expressed their dreams and hopes for the future use
of this treasured local landmark.
August 2021: The Bishop of Sale, through his Diocesan Committee chaired by the former
Member for Gippsland South and parishioner of St Mary’s Cathedral, the
Honourable Mr Peter Ryan, began exploring possible uses of the convent
building. The Diocese of Sale Catholic Education Ltd (DOSCEL) engaged
specialist consultants to explore the possible relocation of St Thomas’ Catholic
Primary School, Sale to the Sion Campus site.
November 2021: A community survey was undertaken to gather feedback on relocating
St Thomas’ Catholic Primary School to the Sion Campus site.
October 2022: It was announced that through the work of DOSCEL and the Diocesan
Committee, consideration would focus on the development of the whole site as a
state-of-the-art education facility with the Convent building which includes the
Chapel being the centrepiece of the school.
December 2022: Early conceptual designs for a Preliminary Proposed Masterplan were
developed by a project architect for consideration and assessment.
January - June 2023: Extensive investigations continued and a range of consultant specialists
including engineers, surveyors and a Heritage Advisor were appointed.
June 2022: Preliminary Proposed Masterplan moved to Detailed Design Phase. Architects
commenced engagement with Town Planning.
February 2024: Planning permit granted by the Minister for Planning through the Department of
Transport and Planning
February 2024: Commonwealth Government Capital Grant confirmed.
For Project Updates on Our Lady of Sion Convent and Sion Campus go to:
Please find the attached information for our Saturday season.
- Team entries close April 4th.
- Round 1 - May 3rd.
- Grand Final - September 6th (12/U to Open).
- Team fee - 9/U to 12/U $480. 13/U to Open $580.
- Sections - 9/U, 10/U, 11/U, 12/U, 13/U, 15/U and open.