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- Message from the principal
- Term Dates
- Important Dates Regarding Buses 2024
- Reconciliation Week
- School Choir
- Tuckshop
- Parents and Friends
- Book Club
- Merit Awards
- Raffle winners
- Second Hand Uniform Shop
- Community Notices
- Community Update: Our Lady of Sion Convent and former Sion Campus, Sale
“From the first moment that a student sets foot in a Catholic school, he or she ought to have the impression of entering a new environment, one illuminated by the light of faith, and having its own unique characteristics. The inspiration of Jesus must be translated from the ideal into the real. The Gospel spirit should be evident in a Christian way of thought and life which permeates all facets of the educational climate”.
Dear Parents and Families,
Let us remember, Reconciliation must live in the hearts, minds and actions of all Australians as we move forward, creating a nation strengthened by respectful relationships between the wider Australian community, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
We all have a role to play when it comes to reconciliation, and in playing our part, we collectively build relationships and communities that value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, histories, cultures, and futures.
At its heart, reconciliation is about strengthening relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous peoples, for the benefit of all Australians.
Prayer for Reconciliation
God of all creation, as we journey together in this Great Southern Land, we pray for healing, forgiveness and unity, creating a path of good will, with justice and compassion.
Jesus, through the power of your love, you have given us the courage, wisdom and strength to share our gifts and talents in humility.
In peace and understanding we reconcile with each other.
Creator Spirit, we come together in prayer and thanksgiving for the many blessings we have received. Allow your Spirit to wash over us and give us strength to walk together as one
Please know that St Thomas’ is rostered to assist with the “Sunday Cuppa” after the Cathedral Mass on Sunday, June 2nd 2024. Each Sale parish school is asked to assist on one weekend throughout the year.
This Sunday, there will be an opportunity to thank & acknowledge Tony Capurso for his contribution to Catholic Education and his role as the Religious Education Leader within our school community and Parish. All families are invited to attend and to share in the cup of tea afterwards.
If you are able to provide a plate to share, eg. a packet of biscuits, slices or cake, it would be appreciated. If attending, items can be dropped off in the Cathedral foyer prior to Mass starting. If unable to attend, but are able to provide a plate to share, please drop off items on Friday, May 31st to the Community room at school.
Hoping you can join us.
We are delighted to display the work completed by our children when visiting the gallery to view the Annemieke Mein Exhibition. They look amazing and depict the fauna and flora often represented in the art work of Annemieke. It is currently displayed in the foyer and will be placed throughout the school in coming weeks.
We congratulate all our students who participated in the Regional Cross Country event at Yarram last week and those who are heading to Drouin to compete in Division Competitions next Thursday. We wish them the very best.
Take care
Anita & Staff
Term 2 - Monday 15th April - Friday 28th June 2024
Term 3 - Monday 15th July - Friday 20th September 2024
Monday 15th July is a Pupil Free Day
Wednesday 14th August is a Pupil Free Day
Friday 20th September is a Pupil Free Day
Term 4 - Monday 7th October - Friday 20th December 2024
Reminder you can check the PAM calendar for important dates.
Important Dates Regarding Buses 2024
Friday 28 th June Last day of term 2. Buses leave at 2.20pm instead of 3.20pm
Monday 15 th July NO BUSES RUNNING
Tuesday 16 th July First Day of Term 3 for buses
Friday 20 th September Last day of term 3. Buses leave at 2.20pm instead of 3.20pm
Monday 7 th October First Day of Term 4
Monday 4 th November NO BUSES RUNNING
Tuesday 5 th November Melbourne Cup Day NO BUSES RUNNING
After several weeks of hard work and dedication, our School Choir gave their first performance last week for our Foundation Classes, 3/4D Signora A and Mrs Little. Madison (3/4B), Khya 3/4C, Ettie (3/4D), Abigail (3/4C), Victoria (3/4A), Penelope, Josie (3/4C), Piper (3/4C), Annabella (3/4C), Chloe (3/4C), Mija (3/4C), and Skylah (3/4D) sang “Happy Song”, which included lyric modifications chosen by the choir to add a second verse and “Down By the Bay” which featured solos. It was an incredibly successful first performance for a lovely and appreciative audience and I am so excited about the future of the choir here at St Thomas’. It was pleasing to see members of the choir bring some friends along to choir the next day! We have already started learning new music. Well done choir!
We require coaches for the upcoming Winter sports in Term 3 on Friday 19th July. We are looking for a Tea Ball Coach, Netball Coaches and a Soccer Coach in order for our students to participate.
Please contact the office or email Miss Glover at
Division Cross Country
A big congratulations to the 7 students who competed in the Division Cross country event held on Monday. Our students should be very proud of the way they represented St Thomas’. A special mention to Maddi Mizzi who finished 2nd in the under 12/13’s. We wish all the best for the 5 students who will progress to the Regionals next Thursday in Drouin.
A big congratulations for those students who competed in the district Cross Country at the Catholic College Ovals. All students should be very proud of their run. A special mention to Maddi Mizzi who won the Under 12/13’s , Taj Schuback who came 3rd in the Under 11’s and Chloe McCarthy who came 3rd in the Under 10’s. We wish all the best to Maddi Mizzi, Mitchell Hanckel, Archer Dyer, Hunter Lange, Taj Schuback, Chloe McCarthy and Harmynie Lange who will compete in the District Cross Country in Yarram on Monday.
Tuckshop roster - Term 1
Thank you to all our tuckshop volunteers!
Time: 12.35pm - 2pm
Day |
Date |
Volunteer 1 |
Volunteer 2 |
Reserve |
Wed |
05-Jun-24 |
Amanda Marciniec |
Zoe Curtis |
Gab Waterman |
Fri |
07-Jun-24 |
Toni de Groot |
Rochelle Salerman |
Lisa Safstrom |
Wed |
12-Jun-24 |
Bec Coleman |
Chloe Nikolajew |
Debbie McCarthy |
Fri |
14-Jun-24 |
Bianca/Gus Vatnsdal |
Natalie Laugeni |
Lauren Pini |
Wed |
19-Jun-24 |
Anna Baynes |
Ashleigh Fairhall |
Shae Wilson |
Fri |
21-Jun-24 |
Tanya Swasbrick |
Hannah McClaren |
Jess Bristow |
Wed |
26-Jun-24 |
Melissa VanDerGraaff |
Amanda Marciniec |
Emmaly Hall |
Fri |
28-Jun-24 |
Macala Heywood |
Nicky Blasius |
Mikaela Fowler |
If you need to swap your allocated day, please contact another volunteer to make arrangements. The office should only be contacted as a last resort.
P&F meetings
FA - Mrs Goudie & Mrs Phillips | Lexie Healy & Piper Cordell, Robyn Burnard & William Nicholson. Lenix Sanders & Bronte Skeen |
FB - Mrs Brayshaw | Lucas Malady & Elke Hickling. Sophie Bedggood & Cameron Gibson. Bobby McLay & Grace Rowley |
1/2A - Mrs Morelli | Saanvika Sistla & Vinnie Horton. Dixie Nikolajew & Charlie Jones. Kohen Smolenaars & Sophia Jinesh |
1/2B - Mrs Manning & Mrs Cheshire | Everette Rae, Ollie Van Der Graaff. Talyn Mowat, Katie Clarkson, Zaylen Ngapare & Oliver Heatherington |
1/2C - Ms Ko & Mrs Jones | Cleo Laverty & Joey Healy. Noah Bird & Alexis Simmons |
1/2D - Mrs Bennett | David Sulyman & Mia Rees. Ryley Podubinski & Parker Adams. Evelyn Edwards & Miller Osborn |
3/4A - Mrs Irwin | Addi Morelli & Lilly Bigham. Alex Karvelas & Hudson Pini. Zaeem Junaid, Gagana Nair |
3/4B - Mrs Wilson | Allison Deboer & Bodhi McKenzie. Lottie Goudie, Cleo Avery & Charlie Safstrom. Mahli Osborn & Ted Waterman |
3/4C - Miss Cameron | Jake Whykes & Aria De Visser |
3/4D - Mr Brunt | Mason Downing & Franklin Heywood. Harley Dyce & Jaggar Nikolajew |
5/6A - Mr Arnup & Mr Hickey | Lila Armstrong & Lily Holmes. Brooklyn George & Jonny Austin |
5/6B - Miss Berry | Mary Deboer & Scott Lumley |
5/6C - Mrs Lee | Xavier Useni-Vowell, Zach Gray, Taj Schuback & Mason Fairhall. Ollie Bateman, Neve Jones, Mitch Hanckel, Archer Dyer, Piper Hanratty & Jack Morris |
5/6D - Mrs Bradley & Mrs Fox | Mia Cutrupi & Riley McCartney. Layla Smolenaars & River Cordwell |
We have a number of items available in the second hand uniform shop. To purchase or check out what's available please contact Anna Baynes on 0419117649.
A SPECIAL REPORT: Trauma Recovery
Trauma in children significantly disturbs their sense of safety and normalcy, leading to substantial emotional and behavioural changes. Such disturbances often result from exposure to traumatic events, which may be exacerbated by continuous media coverage. This exposure can trigger stress, anxiety, and trauma, with varying recovery timelines due to the unpredictable nature of trauma's impact. Observing young people grappling with these effects can be highly distressing for parents and caregivers.
It's important to establish a nurturing environment to help restore a child's sense of security to help promote resilience. Active involvement in their recovery is essential, as is recognising the unique, personalised needs of each child in responding to trauma. Depending on their age, children may present with different symptoms, such as regressive behaviours in younger ones or withdrawal and agitation in older children and teens. It is important to monitor and manage the type of information children may access to reduce their emotional distress.
The brain stores traumatic events as powerful emotional memories, influencing behaviour through mechanisms beyond a child's conscious awareness. By providing young people with support and equipping them with coping mechanisms to handle uncertainty, parents and carers can greatly enhance a child's capacity to recover and build long-term emotional resilience.
This Special Report will help you identify a child experiencing trauma and how you can support them to overcome it.
We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this Special Report, and as always, we welcome your feedback.
If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the school for further information or seek medical or professional help.
Here is the link to your special report: