Welcome to St Thomas' Primary School Sale
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Welcome to St Thomas' Primary School Sale
We are committed to offering our students the best education possible, and allowing each student to realise their full potential. We support each student’s learning and cater to each student’s emotional and pastoral needs. We allow each student to achieve in areas of their own interest and are committed to fostering leadership. We encourage students to live a healthy and active lifestyle through sport and recreational activities.
This is our school - Let peace dwell here
Let it be full of contentment
Let love live here - Love of one another
Love of Humankind - Love of life itself and Love of God.
Let us remember that as many hands build a house
So many hearts make a school.
St Thomas—Pray for us.
Term Dates
Start | End | |
Term 1 | 28th January | 4th April |
Term 2 | 22nd April | 4th July |
Term 3 | 21st July | 19th September |
Term 4 | 6th October | 19th December (17th Dec last day for students) 18th & 19th Pupil Feree days |